15 March

Sydney Sprints



Eric Mobbs Reserve, Castle Hill.

Come along and have another crack at a Sprint on 15 March just before the NSW Sprint Champs the following weekend on 21 March ! Yes, after the rain washed us out, Josh's event is back on with Starts from5.00-6.00pm and Course Closure at 6.30pm.

All help will be greatly appreciated. Come early at 4pm and help set up before your run or have your run then help keep the event ticking over and help pack up or
 collect controls.

The more the merrier. Many hands make light work.

Ian was the controller but is unavailable, so I've copied Josh, James and Rob in above who are helping to put on the event.
Any questions please don't hesitate to email one of us or ring / text.

Organiser and Planner: Josh Braidwood.
Contact person: Maureen Fitzpatrick 0455578755

More details on Eventor