Club News
27-31 December 2019
Club achievers at the Xmas 5 Days.
This year the Xmas 5 Days Carnival was held in the forests near Armidale.
The event locations were well away from the bush fires and with early morning starts avoided heat stress.
WHO's Team of 13 enjoyed the carnival taking two top places out of over 200 entries.
Lynn Dabbs was our star achiever with overall best time for the 5 events coming in just ahead of Robyn Pallas in Women D.
Shay Sweeney showed great progress in his junior class taking 3rd place overall in M/W Novice.
1 December 2019
Club results for the WHO Cup at Ted Horwood Reserve.
James McQuillan was the fastest WHO male runner with a time of 45:14.
Niamh Cassar was the fastest WHO female with a time of 56:29
The Handicap Winner (Chris Crane Cup) with the most points in the handicap calculation was Lee Coady
Full Club Results are on the WHO Cup page.
At the Prize Giving that followed the WHO Cup Steve Dunlop was presented with the Hank van Oost trophy for 2019 for an exceptional contribution across a wide range of club and orienteering activities. Steve was Setter for the Ultralong NOL in May and Controller for the MetroLeague Final in September amongst many other things
10 November 2019
Club results for NSW Sprint Championships, SL9, at Sydney University.
Janet Morris 1st W80A 20:04
Barry Hanlon 2nd M80A 20:39
Selwyn Sweeney 2nd M16A 18:14
Paul Sweeney 3rd M45AS 20:21
Ted Mulherin 4th M75A 24:17
Niamh Cassar 4th W16A 17:22
15 December 2019
Club results for WSOS event at Plumpton Parks
15 Club members competed.
Top achievers were:
Antony Saunders 1st Short Line 26:00
James McQuillan 3rd Long Line 37:07
Matilda Saunders 4th Short Line 27:30
28 September - 6 October
Club Achievements at Oceania

M21E James McQuillan 30th 25:37,
M10 Shay Sweeney 12th 16:02,
W12 SavannaSweeney 7th 12:34,
W14 MartineValais 20th 20:40,
W16 NiamhCassar 13th 16:10,
W35 NeriseMcQuillan 11th 35:29,
W45 SaffronSweeney 21st 27:10,
M16 SelwynSweeney 23rd 23:09,
M16 SethSweeney 38th 32:06, M45
Paul Sweeney 33rd 55:56
Australian Long Distance– 29Sept
M21E James McQuillan 20th 145:21
M/W10N Shay Sweeney 9th 26:29
M/W10N AidenMcQuillan 13th 42:12
W12A Savanna Sweeney 13th 28:34
W14A Martine Valais 27th40:50
W16A Niamh Cassar 8th 34:34
W35AS Nerise McQuillan 3rd 78:01
W45AS Maureen Fitzpatrick 18th 77:06
W45AS Saffron Sweeney 9th 56:09
W65A Lynn Dabbs 11th50:15
M16A Selwyn Sweeney 26th 64:07
M16A Seth Sweeney 29th66:38
M45AS Robert Bradley 7th68:36
M45AS Paul Sweeney 9th 71:35
M65AS Kevin Williams 4th 38:54
M65AS Barry Pearce 10th78:46
Oceania/Australian Relays– 30 Sept
M21E - NSW#2 James McQuillan 10th 64:22
M/W12A-NSW#3 Savanna Sweeney 11th 16:12
M14A - NSW#2 Martine Valais 5th46:23
M16A - NSW#1 Selwyn Sweeney 4th48:28
M16A– NSW#2 Seth Sweeney 10th81:22
W16A – NSW#1 Niamh Cassar 6th62:08
M21AS – NSW#1 PaulSweeney 7th133:53
M45A– NSW#3 Robert Bradley 11th72:14
W45A – NSW#4 Karen Langan 11th86:16
W45A– NSW#4 Saffron Sweeney 11th98:47
Oceania Long Distance–5th October
M21E James McQuillan 29th 217:00
W12A Savanna Sweeney 7th 54:34
W14A Martine Valais 16th 41:37
W16A Niamh Cassar 22nd 73:58
W45AS Maureen Fitzpatrick 10th 133:30
W45AS Saffron Sweeney 10th 163:23
W65A Lynn Dabbs 7th 81:42
M16A Seth Sweeney 32nd99:20
M16A Selwyn Sweeney 33rd 107:34
M45AS Robert Bradley 2nd 84:06
M45AS Paul Sweeney 9th 187:21
M65AS Kevin Williams 4th 68:27
M65AS Barry Pearce mp
OceaniaMiddleDistance–6th October
M21E James McQuillan 35th 69:36
M/W10N Shay Sweeney 2nd 21:20
W12A Savanna Sweeney 5th 17:30
W14A Martine Valais 11th 24:33
W35AS Nerise McQuillan 3rd 62:22
W45AS Maureen Fitzpatrick 9th 52:11
W45AS Saffron Sweeney 12th 63:53
W65A Lynn Dabbs 2nd 33:50
M16A Seth Sweeney 32nd 54:09
M16A Selwyn Sweeney 28th 51:21
M45AS Robert Bradley 1st 44:01
M45AS Paul Sweeney 3rd 68:11
M65AS Kevin Williams 2nd 39:38
Australian SchoolsChampionships
Our NSW Schools (Carbines) reps were Niamh Cassar (Senor Girls), Martine Valais (Junior Girls) andSelwynSweeney (Senor Boys).
Junior Girls: Martine Valais 38th 18:08
Senior Boys: Selwyn Sweeney 28th 17:00
Senior Girls: Niamh Cassar 14th 16:51 Niamh was quickest of the NSW Senior Girls and 8th Australian.
Junior Girls: Martine Valais mp
Senior Boys: Selwyn Sweeney 31st 70:39
Senior Girls: Niamh Cassar 21st 69:16
Selwyn was the best of the NSW senior boys and 22nd Australian.
Relays–3 October
Junior Girls: Martine Valais mp
Senior Boys: Selwyn Sweeney 10th 58:34
Senior Girls: Niamh Cassar 5th 43:43
Niamh needed to make up two and a half minutes on South Australia in the Senior Girls. Despite dropping time to the first radio control she caught up five minutes to power home and deliver the Shield to the Carbines!
12 August 2019
Club results for NSW State League #12 at Wee Jasper .
Robert Bradley 1st M45AS 45:00
Lynn Dabbs 1st W65A 31:46
Maureen Fitzpatrick 2nd W45AS 53:56
Kevin Williams 2nd M65AS 47:30
Paul Sweeney 3rd M45AS 67:57
Selwyn Sweeney 4th M16A 41:34
Dmitry Stukov 9th M50A 80:13
4 August 2019
Club results for NSW State League #11 at Stockrington .
W45AS Maureen Fitzpatrick 1st 1:34:34.
W80A Janet Morris 1st 1:01:54.
M80A Barry Hanlon 1st 35:36.
Open Easy Jacinta Braidwood 1st 33:11.
M45AS Robert Bradley 2nd 1:03:07.
M75A Barry Pearce 3rd 1:41:17.
M16A Selwyn Sweeney 4th 57:41.
M21A James McQuillan 4th 1:45:19.
W35AS Nerise McQuillan 5th 1:23:31.
M45AS Paul Sweeney 5th 1:32:11.
M45A Joshua Braidwood 6th 1:34:40..
3 August 2019
Club results for NSW State League #10 at Freemans Waterhole.
M80A Barry Hanlon 1st 31:28.
W80A Janet Morris 1st 52:35.
Open Easy Jacinta Braidwood 42:11.
M75A Barry Pearce 3rd 1:33:53.
M16A Selwyn Sweeney 3rd 34:09.
W45AS Maureen Fitzpatrick 3rd 1:20:12.
W35AS Nerise McQuillan 3rd 50:49.
M21A James McQuillan 5th 50:35.
M45AS Robert Bradley 5th 39:14.
M45AS Paul Sweeney 6th 1:34:46.
M45A Joshua Braidwood 8th 1:05:00.
13 July 2019
Club results for NSW State League #8 (Sprint) at Frenchs Forest.
M/W10N 1st, Shay Sweeney, 16:17.
W12A 2nd, Savanna Sweeney, 19:23.
W16A 1st, Niamh Cassar, 36:16.
M16A 1st, Selwyn Sweeney, 40:11, 2nd, Seth Sweeney, 51:40.
M21A 4th, James McQuillan, 31:15.
W40A 3rd, Belinda Kinneally, 36:55.
M40A 2nd, Vivien de Remy de Courcelles, 28:05.
M45AS 2nd, Robert Bradley, 32:36.
6th, Paul Sweeney, 1:04:06.
M65AS 3rd, Andrew Vesey-Wells, 1:10:09.
M75A 2nd, Ted Mulherin, 52:36.
W80A 1st, Janet Morris, 55:18.
M80A 1st, Barry Hanlon, 47:35.
Open and EOD Easy 1st, George Kinneally, 23:09.
6th, Justine de Remy de Courcelles, 30:57.
Open and EOD Moderate 5th, Martine Valais, 37:40.
EOD Hard Long 5th, Aurelie Valais, 36:28.
7July 2019
Turkey Trot 2019
Club Achievers
Renaldo Hora M-Medium 3rd 1:24:42
Belinda Kinneally W-Long 1st 2:26:14
Niamh Cassar W-Short 1st 1:00:35
Helen Parker W-Medium 2nd 1:29:51
Ted Mulherin EOD-Short 2nd 23:32
Janet Morris EOD-Short 3rd 29:35
June 2019
3 WHO Juniors selected for the 2019 NSW Schools (Carbines) Team.
Congratulations to Niamh Cassar (Senior Girls), Selwyn Sweeney (Senior Boys) and Martine Valais (Junior Girls).
(The photo is the 2018 team)
10 June 2019
QBIII 2019 WHO Team Results
1st M80A Barry Hanlon
1st W80A Janet Morris
2nd W12A Savanna Sweeney
2nd M65AS Barry Pearce
3rd M16A Selwyn Sweeney
3rd W16A Niamh Cassar
3rd M21A James McQuillan
4th W14A Martine Valais
4th 16A Seth Sweeney
5th W45A Saffron Sweeney
6th M45A Paul Sweeney
Some members who didn't compete for the 3 days had exceptional results for the days they competed in:
Day 1
WHO had three firsts: Lynn Dabbs W65A, Kevin Williams M65AS, Janet Morris W80A, Aiden & Elliott McQuillan EODVE.
Day 2
Lynn Dabbs again in 1st place for W65A; Janet Morris in W80A.
Day 3
Our two firsts were Janet Morris W80A and Selwyn Sweeny M16A. Our juniors did very well in the sprint event at Campbelltown.
Detailed results can be seen on Eventor.
31 March 2019
Club results for NSW State League #2 at Hill End.
Niamh Cassar 1st W Junior B 30:44
Janet Morris 1st W80A 60:43
Karen Langan 2nd EOD Hard Short 90:04
Vivien de Remy de Courcelles 2nd M40A 117:54
Saffron Sweeney 2nd W45A 158:03
Barry Hanlon 2nd M80A 49:13
Dmitry Stukov 3rd M45AS 84:57
Robert Bradley 4th M45AS 90:43
Aurelie Valais 4th W16A 125:14
Savanna Sweeney 4th W12A 47:32
Tim Perry 4th EOD Hard Short 102:28
Martine Valais 6th W14A 57:01
Selwyn Sweeney 6th M16A 71:11
Maureen Fitzpatrick 6th W45AS 134:49
Sylvie Valais 7th W Open B 64:33
Seth Sweeney 7th M16A 92:38
Matt Hackett 9th M45A 136:41
Paul Sweeney 10th M45A 188:04
30 March 2019
Club results for NSW State League #1 at Hill End.
Niamh Cassar 1st W Junior B 36:29
Janet Morris 1st W80A 67:06
Robert Bradley 2nd M45AS 48:00
Constance Valais 2nd W Junior B 64:34
Barry Hanlon 2nd M80A 55:54
Dmitry Stukov 3rd M45AS 48:17
Vivien de Remy de Courcelles 3rd M40A 48:43
Aurelie Valais 4th W16A 116:04
Saffron Sweeney 4th W45A 130:37
Tim Perry 5th EOD Hard Short 50:31
Selwyn Sweeney 5th M16A 46:42
Savanna Sweeney 5th W12A 47:09
Maureen Fitzpatrick 6th W45AS 1:52:02
Seth Sweeney 6th M16A 53:15
Karen Langan 7th EOD Hard Short 70:43
Martine Valais 8th W14A 58:45
Emmanuelle Convert 8th W40A 78:36
Matt Hackett 8th M45A 59:23
Paul Sweeney 9th M45A 92:54
Stephen Dunlop 13th M65A 61:01

13 March 2019
Club results for SSS event at East Killara
19 WHO starters
1 Ted Mulherin, Immortals Men 350 43:31
1 Janet Morris, Immortals W 250 43:16
2 James McQuillan, Masters M 580 45:25
2 Graeme Hill, Legends Men 460 47:43
3 Marion Gledhill, Immortals W 220 45:56
3 Justine de Remy de Courcelles, Mini 19:33
24 February 2019
Club results for Sydney Sprint Series #5 at Fred Caterson Reserve
21 WHO starters
1 Niamh Cassar, Women short hard 22:43
1 Shay Sweeney, Easy 16:05
2 Karen Langan, Women short hard 30:32
2 Aiden McQuillan, Easy 21:49
6 February 2019
Club results for SSS event at North Parramatta
23 WHO starters
1 Selwyn Sweeney, Junior Men 440 45:12
1 Janet Morris, Immortals W 270 43:39
2 Malcolm Gledhill, Immortals M 330 44:42
2 Marion Gledhill, Immortals W 250 44:51
2 E. Convert, Walking W 340 46:50
2 J. de Remy de Courcelles, Mini 80 12:34
3 Kathryn Vaughan, Mini 80 17:48
20 January 2019
Club results for WSOS #6 at Rouse Hill Regional Park
20 WHO starters
1 James McQuillan, LongLine 26:07
1 Niamh Cassar, ShortLine 17:49
1 Dan Smith, Score 300 33:34
1 Aiden McQuillan, Mini 80 9:15
2 Elliott McQuillan, Mini 80 14:28
3 Jeremy Chan ShortLine 29:02
3 Hamilton Kinneally, Mini 80 15:17
Sunday 6 January 2019
Club results for WSOS #4 at Beaumont Hills
14 WHO starters
1 James McQuillan, Long Line 30:17